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Need Artwork? |
What art files are acceptable?
We accept Vector art created in Adobe Illustrator CS3 or CorelDraw and saved as CDR, EPS or AI. Artwork formats that are NOT acceptable include Word documents, Excel files, Microsoft PhotoDraw, PowerPoint or Publisher, Adobe Photoshop, FreeHand, PageMaker, Acrobat or Image Ready.
Adobe Photoshop PSD files, bitmap, tiff, giff and jpg files are acceptable for embroidery ONLY. Silk screening and imprinting will require Vector, line art. |
Via e-mail: artwork can be submitted directly to A.A. Advertising Ltd. at the following e-mail address: artwork@aaadvertising.com |
What is Vector art ?
Vector art is created in Adobe Illustrator or CorelDraw and saved as CDR, EPS or AI. The line art drawing enables our graphics department to resize clean artwork without distortion or loss of detail, for imprinting purposes. |
Why convert fonts to curves?
All computers have different types of fonts installed in their own computer system. If fonts are not converted to curves or outlines, the computer without the required font automatically finds the closest font and substitutes, resulting in artwork changes. |
What are PMS (Pantone) Colours?
PMS colors are exact representations of shades of color, when printed on a white background. When you supply a PMS (Pantone) color, we know exactly what shade you are looking for and will match that color, or let you know why we can’t. Colors appearing on computer screens differ and cannot be identified accurately, so are not reliable for production purposes. PMS colors work best. |
What is the cost to reproduce artwork?
Any artwork not meeting the required standards will need to be re-drawn in Vector, line art. Re-creation will be subject to a charge of $40.00 per hour, subject to client approval. |